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Heritage Protection Update

Regarding the refusal of the VHR nomination for Camp Reserve, on August 4, GCC submitted an extensive detailed request for review to the Heritage Council. This consisted of additional information, a considered point-by-point response to the refusal, and two wonderful letters of support from notable heritage experts.

Up until the minor setback of the VHR refusal, we have had successes in having the heritage significance of the Camp Reserve recognised over and above its inclusion in the Camp Reserve and Environs Heritage Overlay. We have had the Reserve added to the Victorian Heritage Inventory (HI Number H7723-1266). This listing recognises, and protects by law, the historical archaeology on the site. Approval from Heritage Victoria is required for any earthworks to be conducted on the site. If consent is given, conditions are likely to require a program of detailed archaeological investigation.

Professional Mapping

A second success has been the professional mapping of the Government Camp buildings that existed on the site. The section of the mapping shown below illustrates the utilisation of the southern portion of the Camp.

Looking ahead, the Council has made it clear that they expect their proposed Master Plan to end up, and be decided, at VCAT. The Council is in the process of appointing a Town Planning consultant to prepare and coordinate the Planning Permit application. This would include potentially representing Council at VCAT, and an external project manager. However, our latest advice is that, if it does proceed to VCAT, it is possibly 12 months or more off. This gives us time to build the necessary war chest to fund our representation. This is starting with the Winter Art Auction on August 5.

We both met with Maree Edwards, who considerately met us at the Camp Reserve, last month. And, last week, had a meeting with Council officers Michael Annear and Karen Evenett. All three are fully aware of our determination to prevent the abhorrent Master Plan coming to fruition. We are in for the long haul and hope you will continue to provide us with your wonderful support.

More news shortly on the new GCC website.

Kind regards,

Alice & John L.