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Relevant Historical Proximal Places within the original area of the Camp Reserve and the Former Government Camp
  1. Camp Reserve (Former Military Parade Ground of the Gold Commissioner’s Camp, 1851, 11 Forest St, Castlemaine
  2. Former Court House, 1851, 8 Goldsmith Cres, VHR H1682
  3. Commissioner Bull’s Residence ‘Camp House’, 1854, 5 Yandell St (this is not in the VHR register – it should be)
  4. Former Military Quarters, c1854, 4-4a Camp Cres, VHR H2162
  5. Sheriff’s Cottage, 1854, 1 Camp St, National Trust Property B2837
  6. Huntingdon (formerly part of Ryan’s Star Brewery, former home to artist AME Bale) 1858, 24 Gaulton St, National Trust Property B1972 (should be on the VHR register)
  7. Burke’s Cottage (also known as ‘Broadoaks’), 1854, 31 Gingell St, VHR H0670
  8. James Ah Coy’s Cottage, 5 Bowden St, VHR H0737
  9. Castlemaine Gaol, 1857-1861, 36-48 Bowden St, VHR H0990
  10. Castlemaine Powder Magazine, 1856, 47 Farnsworth St, Vic War Heritage Inventory, National Trust B1950
  11. Powder Magazine Keeper’s Cottage, 1865, 49 Farnsworth St, VHR National Trust Property No B197
  12. Castle House, 1866-1869, 37 Farnsworth St, VHR H0591
  13. Railway Precinct, 1859-1864, Kennedy St, VHR H1664
  14. Concrete Truss Footbridge, 1914, crossing Barkers Creek off Gingell St VHR H1400
  15. Christ Church, 1854-1858, 8 Mostyn St, VHR 1392
16. Howe’s Survey Tree, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, pre-European settlement, Yandell St, National Trust Significant Tree Register
17. Prisoner Tree, Eucalyptus macrocarpa, pre-European settlement, Goldsmith Cres, National Trust Significant Tree Register
18. Elm Avenue, Camp Reserve, Ulmus procera, 1880s, threatened species, rare